craving apples + letters + campfires, you?
September 6, 2018 | Moriah Norris-Hale “Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe and red from the orchard." ~ Walt Whitman "and still these growing pains are keeping me up at night" ~ Alessia Cara There's certainly a quickening in the air these days: the leaves slightly burnt looking, the light shifting and deepening, some song you love on the radio. It's both beautiful, and twinged with just a little bit of sadness, a letting go, that hint of grief that appears when we know some things have changed, and other parts of your life and your becoming are in store. It's so interesting to me that the more hectic + full "real life" becomes, the more I want so badly to carve out time that's mine: to write, to reflect, to be with my words and myself, and the people who really "get it". For me, writing is such a practice in connecting to my source and my soul, and I find I have to honor it to feel aligned and connected, more than ever. I know everyone has their "thing"... and writing is mine. (and if you're looking for yours, I totally feel you. I spent years spinning with the feeling of not-knowing and not feeling clear about my path. Read on, or jump on over to my coaching page now. ) It's really September now, which just feels like the right time of year to write and come home to myself. Summer is splendid, but I feel truly most energized by the few weeks preceding the summer/winter solstice and the fall/spring equinox. It's always such a vibrant, transformative time to set intentions, clarify where we have been, and where we want to go, time to shed something old, + start anew. I am CRAVING ways of grounding into this seasonal shift, the summer to fall energy, and wanting to land within myself in a new way again. Making fall playlists, pulling Tarot cards, wearing my first hoodie of the season, loving the arch of the sunflowers before they turn to seed, making banana pancakes with cinnamon and honey, pulling out some old, worn long sleeved things that make me feel me, anchoring into the Earth through walking, swimming in the lingering heat, writing letters, sleeping in fresh clean sheets, and leaving the windows cracked at night, savoring the moments when the crisp, dry air fill my lungs. I know my soul is always communicating with me these days, and it will make itself known when it wants my attention! But I've had to make it a practice to listen to it, trust what it's showing me, and then put creative attention and action towards and around it. What are your rituals this time of year? How do you tend to your heart at the end of summer, and ease into fall? I love seeing all the kids and their first day of school pictures on social media (omg, they are sooo sweet!) and it also makes me think about how as adults, we don't always honor the changes we are going through and experiencing. We may have a sense that we are longing for it, but we forget the importance of making space to actually account for it. Parents or not, we really do need rituals, and spaces and places to notice and be with all that is happening, all our transitions, and our growth (even the difficult kinds of growth!) It's so very easy to skim over pieces of our lives, and then be onto the next thing, but it's also vital we find ourselves again, tell our stories, make meaning of our lives, and lean into our deep selves. I am still in a process of learning so much about myself but this is my truth: writing, coaching, and honoring my soul level gifts are just some of the ways I can "lean into" myself with energy, attention, and creativity. What are yours? A Practice in Holding Space For You + Your Deep Self After getting lots of feedback about my writing over this past year, I realized my writing is a creative act, but it's also a healing tool. As is my coaching. At the core of my writing + my coaching is a space that you get to experience yourself and your longings as a deeper truth, as well. These are soul level gifts that are part of my being, and part of my work as a coach is to help you discover yours. (there may be many, and they may evolve at different parts of your life. You don’t always have to know what they are, but I do encourage finding ways to practice a relationship to your deep self.) I'll be honest, it's hard to describe exactly what happens in my coaching, but I know this: people are hungry for meaning in their lives right now, to be part of the evolving conversations we are having both individually and collectively, and wanting to sink into practices that aren't just "surface level' experiences. I've seen people reconnect with their inner child after just one session, discover what it's like to be present + whole in their bodies for the first time, have "ah-ha" moments about their relationships, and receive the permission finally to set a boundary or make a change. There's no script, exactly because you are uniquely you, with your own voice, needs, vision, and beauty -- and the way my energy and your energy will interact in a session will take it's own course. My work as a writer + coach is supporting you in creating rituals and practices to support your life, your dreams, and something deeper to to sustain you, (Even doing one 60-75 minute session can support you in refreshing your spirit and your innate wisdom.) Let's try something for a moment. Just for a few moments, set aside whatever you have going on. Take a few breaths. Let your belly expand, let your heart open just a note.What is it that you're really craving? You can just take a few moments to be with this question, and be with this writing. So, lets do this. You can just tune in to whatever is present. What is this making you feel? What are you longing for? Where is there ease right now? Where is there tension? Is there a place inside you that needs attention? What is it asking for?Connection with people? Spaciousness? A ritual of some kind to support your growth and your creative spirit? Rest? Food? Stimulation? Love? Vacation? a heart so big it could fill you up forever? Coffee?Maybe all of it?It's amazing what happens during my coaching sessions, when we actually take some time to get out of our heads, and into the the space of tending to our deep self. Though some of this work we can do with friends, and talk-therapists, coaching is one of the most powerful ways we can really grab onto the lapels of our life force, and dig into the meat of our matter. I'm offering both individual sessions, and also offering a 4-session "Come Home To Your Soul" coaching package. Though doing just one session can be huge, doing a package will assist you even more with leaning into your own soul + energy, letting go what no longer serves you. We'll journal together, write together, sit in sessions together, and at the end I'll create a letter from my soul to yours, to honor what we've been through together. Either way, booking a session will support you, and it will also support the underlying mission of The Sky Inside which is to support people in reconnecting with their deep selves, their bodies, their intuition, and to claim fully what they want and desire in their lives. At some point, I want to give other offerings around my writing - perhaps running a course, creating a journal, and a Patreon page (I have many ideas, and only one me right now!) But I feel a lot of energy and movement around this coaching, and I would love to offer you what's present now. Where is your North Star pointing you? What is your guiding light? What untold stories are within you that want to be shared? Take a few moments to reflect, and then respond to this email and let me know. Love, Moriah